Thursday, December 11, 2008

Before the Machine

You know, it wasn't until the 1850's that an actual working sewing machine was produced...and roughly 5 decades later that they were ready for home use.

So how were garments constructed all the years prior to this?
We already know that some of the most elaborately adorned humans existed before this invention.

Very often these garments were constructed by underpaid seamstresses that could hardly afford to wear the items they created. But in an alternate history...that would be the one in my mind, this existence wasn't nearly as bad. The notion is romantic, even. In the least, there's a romantic story in there. Something like "A knight's Tale"...only with seamstresses.
O.K. Maybe not. But it plays well in my mind.

In any case, Thumbbell isn't a fashion or costume project and I'm not going to attempt to recreate history. I'll simply attempt to have fun mixing past technology (this case being the needle and thread) with my hopes that I'll gain a fun pastime along with quiet meditative moments.

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